The idea behind the work concerns the primary task of thinking, drawing and making. The etched glass drawings on the glass elevator enclosure relate to the planning and design of civil engineering projects like bridges and city structures. The three dimensional bridges emerge from the drawing wall into realized forms.
Several weeks work and a marathon assembly session with the boys from “BEAST” (Blackstock Emergency Art Services Team) brought the bridge truss forms into shape. The 20’ and 25’ units were then cut in half for the trip out to Oregon.
We decided to truck the project out ourselves towing our silver “Bio-Bug” behind in order to get back home again. The drive was long but made to fly fast with Barack Obama’s books on CD, “Dreams of My Father” and “The Audacity of Hope”. It was a treat to ride with Barack's stories, humor and wisdom.
After two days on the road through four states we pulled into the loading dock of the building and entered the site that was still under construction. I was there several months ago doing the glass etching mural work that featured graphics of bridge forms and engineering images but had not seen the finished glass mural installed yet. It actually looked quite wonderful in the space.
Pulling out the bridge truss sections from the truck, we quickly got to work and the pieces were connected and hung in the fifty foot high atrium. It took one day to get everything up. The bridge forms arc in the skylight space and have reflective and prismatic materials that flash color.

Beautiful! I'm looking forward to seeing it in person very soon. It looks like the panels will even reflect colors on a grey, cloudy day. Good work George & Melanie!
Beautiful! Light, airy, graceful...
Nice work, you two.
Looks incredible. Reality is that I won't get to see it so i am really pleased that you have posted it on your blog.
Have Christmas
Paul and Natalie
Most of your sculptures have
extended the idea of architecture
as a kind of room. You make a
new kind of wall or seeling with
the room going through it. This
element is seldom seen earlier.
I am looking forward when you are
contacted to make the real walls of
houses "transparent" when houses
are planned. Now I see how huge
your production has been. Gratulations. Best art ever. MÃ¥rten
Thanks Marten. We do tend to work architecturally first. It comes from doing large scale installations in gallery settings that delt with perceptual space relationships. I like the idea of creating "transparent" walls.
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